xzythe PK
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Xzythe 617 Spawn PK :: Perfect PvP System

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Welcome to Xzythe Scape!

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1Welcome to Xzythe Scape! Empty Welcome to Xzythe Scape! Thu Jul 18, 2013 12:45 am

Mod Xzythe

Mod Xzythe

Greetings members!

We have launched Xzythe Scape PKz, as of July 19th, 2013. We are proud to reveal that we are running on VPS 24/7 and will be hosting the server for you all to pk!

Our community is now searching for Forum Moderators and in-game Moderators!
You may apply at this following link:

Additionally, we have provided you with the client link to Xzythe Scape -
Xzythe PK 617
Guests: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/nw8cczjdgscxg3a/playXzythePK.jar

Donations are to be sent to: xzythez@gmail.com [via Paypal]

-Mod Xzythe


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