xzythe PK
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Xzythe 617 Spawn PK :: Perfect PvP System

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Vote for our Server! [Benefits]

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1Vote for our Server! [Benefits] Empty Vote for our Server! [Benefits] Thu Jul 18, 2013 1:22 am

Mod Xzythe

Mod Xzythe

Voting for our server is important as it plays a role to our community with bringing in new players and developing a big player count!

Please vote at the following links:
Mopar Vote Page
Guests Link: https://www.moparscape.org/serverstatus.php?action=up&server=

RuneLocus Vote Page
Guests Link: http://www.runelocus.com/toplist/vote-31951.html

Rune-Server Vote Page
Guests Link: http://www.rune-server.org/toplist.php?do=vote&sid=7986&name=Xzythe_Scape_614_SPAWN_PVP

Your vote will be recorded by IP and you will be gifted special items in-game for each vote!
-Mod Xzythe

Last edited by Mod Xzythe on Sat Jul 20, 2013 5:17 pm; edited 2 times in total


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